On the way to Marriot I caught some snappy phots of the trafic jam here..
After one hour of journey we finally reached..
Quite late though and our stomachs were grumbling already...grrr.. we arrived around 8. Luckily the scenery was quite an idyllic one or else..
And again Julia..staring at Mathew..
People sitting with me at the same table.. they're from sibu..
Well eventually I got BORED so I took a pic of the menu..
Pretty lights..
Eventually Maggie got impatient waiting for the food to come she stuck a rose on her cuppa tea
Eating time.. yum yum shark's fin soup
Then suddenly speech..yawn yawn..honestly I dunno who this guy is..
Maggie and I went out for a visit before our next dish arrive..can you guess where this is?
well...it's the toilet! Yeah I know it's crappy but boredom just pushed us to do so..
These mooncakes are very dear and DEAR..but pretty..
Ooh this was the last dish..
Then it's photo session..From left that's meng how, boon tung, mathew, me, agnes and maggie
Same thing except that mathew moved
Part of the big big building..
This was a photo taken with Kelvin Yong..
Once again there's nothing different about the picture except that someone moved..
Farewell fellow friends..till we meet again!!