Saturday, May 1, 2010

The day I've been looking forward to has finally arrived.

I've only slept for 2 hours and 30 minutes approximately. My eyes feel tired but I am pretty alert now, listening to Konayuki ^^ as the sun slowly creeps out.

When I was lying down just now trying to sleep, a lot of things ran through my mind.

Seems like there are a lot of things that I would like to do during this break. But, will I be able to do them all?

There are also changes that I would want to make, self reflections and self improvement. Will I be able to do so? It's always easier said than done. How much discipline will I have to give myself to push forward?

A lot of things can happen within a day, needless to say within 4 months.

Geesh I don't even know what I am crapping about.

Anyway, I can smell lovely breakfast in the air. Ham...which sadly isn't for me.

Oh well counting down, roughly 14 hours to flight. Am I even ready????

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